RCC students are experiencing issues accessing MyRCC. IT is working to resolve the problem. The add/drop deadline for the Spring 2025 and 1st 8-week Spring 2025 semesters is extended to Friday, February 7. During the outage, access coursework via Canvas. For help with Canvas or RCC email, contact IT at helpdesk@rcc.hurongyun168.com or 857-701-1555. Add/drop updates for past deadlines must be made manually and cannot be processed through MyRCC. Admissions, Financial Aid, Advising, and Student Accounts remain available at One-Stop Open Enrollment (Student Commons, Building 3, 1st floor) or via email/phone.
Roxbury Basketball

Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services

Roxbury Community College is committed to creating an educational environment that promotes academic excellence and personal exploration for all students. This includes a commitment to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities. Unlike in high school, students in the post-secondary education system must self-disclose their disability in order to receive accommodations. As such, SAS engages students in an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations. Our goal is to help students with disabilities develop self-advocacy and resiliency skills in a collaborative environment so that they may achieve their vocational and curricular aspirations. We also provide educational opportunities for the community to promote access and inclusion on campus. Furthermore, it is our philosophy that disability is a form of diversity and it is our mission to ensure that we are providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities.  

If you have questions, please contact Student Accessibility Services. All accommodations are individualized, flexible, and determined based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment. 

Academic Support

Difference between High School and College

Unlike in K-12, a students' history of accommodations is discussed during the intake process and is considered when applying accommodations to the academic environment at RCC. However, any accommodations or modifications from an IEP or 504 plan are not guaranteed to be provided in the postsecondary level as access and educational laws change in this setting. If an accommodation request is determined to alter an essential component of a course or program, or alter a requirement and the fundamental nature of that requirement, it will not be provided. Furthermore, accommodations a student received at one postsecondary institution may not be provided at another, as each institution establishes their own academic requirements and essential components.  

Examples of Accommodations Available to Students: 

  • preferred seating in a classroom 
  • audio/digital textbooks
  • assistive technology
  • extended time on exams
  • testing space with reduced distraction and noise
  • copies of notes